Pro-life Christmas caroling
At Christmastime, caroling at abortion facilities is a powerful way to bring the joy and hope of Christ to women who feel hopeless and alone. Mothers have changed their minds and left their abortion appointments because of carolers singing about the birth of Christ.

Organize your own caroling event!
Choose the abortion facility and location where you will sing. Where will you stand? Will the patients be able to hear you, at least when they are entering?
Choose when you will sing. When is the facility doing abortions? (Look online for a schedule or call and ask.) When can you reasonably expect other pro-lifers to join you?
Invite others to the event via email, phone, and Facebook. Can you put an announcement in your church bulletin? Can anyone play an instrument?
Print up song sheets. You can print this pdf double-sided to make a booklet.
​Be prepared in case a mother approaches you for help. Bring information for your local pregnancy help center.
Wear bright, festive clothing and sing loudly!
If you need inspiration, read about one of our caroling events where a baby was saved.