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School's out!

Thanks to our volunteers, we were able to reach thousands of high school and college students this semester with the truth about abortion.

The reaction to our presence at colleges this spring was quite varied. The students at one campus were almost universally receptive, willing to take information, exchange ideas, and admit to a shift in opinion, while at a campus on the other extreme, students stationed themselves next to us to instruct their peers not to speak to us or take information. 

Even on one of the close-minded campuses, though, where our volunteers weren’t able to have many conversations, a representative from the Christian club tabling at the other end of the quad told us that his team was intercepting some of the angry students and having productive conversations about abortion because of our presence. 

Pro-life students thanked us for coming. One student described how she is bombarded with pro-abortion messaging on campus and was grateful to have the truth finally represented.

On every college campus, students would stop to study our signs with the textbook diagrams of how the most common surgical abortions are performed. These scientific renderings of the barbaric, step-by-step removal of the baby is an eye-opener for many students.

With high schools, it’s hard to predict how the students will react until the bell rings for dismissal and they come pouring out the gates toward where we’re waiting on the sidewalk. At one high school, eye rolls and “I love abortion” were the most common responses we got when offering literature. At another, multiple girls told us that they or their friends had had abortions. But  one girl just stood silently, with tears rolling down her cheeks, looking at our signs and the photos of aborted babies. 

These students are being inundated with pro-abortion propaganda at school and online. Our campus outreach is one of the few times they’re confronted with the reality of abortion.

If you can get a friend or two to help, you can reach your local high school students, too! You are free to stand on the public sidewalk outside campus and distribute literature to students as they leave. Usually it takes us less than half an hour to distribute hundreds of flyers. We distribute the excellent magazines published by Human Life Alliance and are currently using the “What If…?” edition.

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