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Letter in opposition to AB 2085

Updated: Jun 6

California Right to Life submitted the following to the Senate Local Government Committee in a May 29, 2024 letter in opposition to AB 2085, a bill that would prohibit cities from making zoning decisions and would force cities to allow Planned Parenthood to build new abortion clinics.

California Right to Life Educational Fund strongly opposes AB 2085, which is an unambiguous gift to Planned Parenthood at the expense of individual communities’ autonomy.

AB 2085 is written to bulldoze municipal opposition not to abortion clinics in general, but specifically to Planned Parenthood abortion clinics. It prioritizes Planned Parenthood’s business concerns and profits over the concerns of democratically elected community leaders. 

City leaders are elected by the people to make decisions for the city. AB 2085 would mandate that Planned Parenthood’s business interests override the interests of the city and its voters. 

And for what? 

Abortion is readily accessible in California. A simple Google search of the word “abortion” turns up results for abortion clinic locator tools, abortion funds, and abortion pills with same day delivery. Arranging for the death of a child is as simple as a few clicks of the keyboard. 

Planned Parenthood is not necessary to bring healthcare to communities. The number of patients visiting Planned Parenthood has been steadily declining for years, with an especially steep decline in non-abortion patients. Despite increased government funding and preferential treatment, Planned Parenthoods in California saw a 6% decrease in total patients in the last five years and a 13% decrease in the last ten years. At the same time, California Planned Parenthoods increased their abortion patients by 40%. The number of Planned Parenthood sites has also increased by 34%, but fewer and fewer patients are visiting them for any sort of healthcare. 

AB 2085 is an unnecessary gift to Planned Parenthood. 

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