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Distributing literature

Distributing literature is an excellent way to educate people about the reality of abortion. Education is critical to bringing people to the anti-abortion position. The facts are on our side, but we have to communicate the facts in a way that people are willing to accept and able to understand. 


Printed materials allow for a thorough explanation that cannot be communicated with a simple sign or a chanted slogan. Signs and slogans convey what your position is, but usually do not explain why you hold your position or why someone else should hold your position.


A piece of literature, or a conversation, can effectively communicate the facts and explain why abortion is wrong.


Human Life Alliance publishes excellent literature on different pro-life topics.


California Right to Life has a double-sided pdf about abortion that you can print and distribute.

Distributing literature in public places

You can distribute literature in places open to the public, such as public parks, state-funded colleges and universities, and any public sidewalk. You might want to stand on a busy city corner at rush hour. Or maybe there’s a sidewalk adjacent to a shopping center that’s always busy. Or maybe you just want to distribute literature in a quiet park in your neighborhood.


(Read more here about conducting outreach at colleges and high schools.)


Wherever you decide to go, approach people with a smile and confidently offer them the information. Say things like, “Did you get one?” Or “Here you go!” Avoid saying things that make the information sound boring, like, “Do you want a pamphlet?” “Can I give you literature about abortion?” 


If someone comes back to talk to you about the content, great! You have the opportunity to have a conversation and explain the truth. 


(Read more here about having conversations about abortion.)

Distributing literature in neighborhoods


You can also leaflet houses in a neighborhood. You can leave basic information about abortion, but neighborhood leafleting is also a great way to alert the community if a new abortion clinic is opening nearby or if there’s an important local election. 


It is illegal to put literature in or on mailboxes. Instead, take the literature to the front door or gate of each house and tuck it under the mat or into the screen door. If there is a mail slot in the door, you may put the literature in it. 


If a resident stops you and wants to talk about abortion, great! You now have the opportunity to share the truth. If someone just wants to hassle you and threatens to call the police, you can tell them that you are following the law, but then continue your leafleting down the street. Don’t waste your time arguing.


Leafletting neighborhoods is best done in pairs, with the people leafletting opposite sides of the street. That way no one has to cross back and forth across the street and the two people can keep an eye on each other for safety.

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